MASH or ‘Manual Assessing Safety Hardware’ is the USA standard developed by AASHTO (American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials) and replaces the standard NCHRP350 (1993). MASH is judged on three critical criteria:
Preventing needless road fatalities was the catalyst for the design behind KSI’s Safety Roller Crash Barrier – a ground breaking and first of its kind ‘Shock Energy Absorption System’ which converts the collision energy generated from a vehicle impacting the barrier to rotational energy, while maintaining the errant vehicle within its trajectory post-impact and providing increased protection to drivers and passengers.
The arrival of the latest design in safety roller crash barrier systems to the international market reduces repair, replacement and maintenance costs, compared to existing traditional barriers.
The Safety Roller Crash Barrier is a cost effective barrier, which has proven to reduce overall repair costs and most importantly reduce road fatalities.
You can be sure that the professional team at KSI Global Australia place a premium on quality customer service and their experience will provide you with the confidence to implement this innovative and world class safety roller crash barrier – the first in the world to be tested and accredited to MASH TL4 which includes: